
Count Down to Breaking Ground #woodlandpark

December 11, 2020

Last night was exciting for us!  We got to sign papers for one of our upcoming projects!  

Yes, I know we did it once before since Brian left his corporate building job, you know this one!  This project (we built) just fell into our lap, it was already developed and we were told permits would be ready in a month. 

New construction and custom home design, construction and project management with BriKat Homes of Washington State

But let's get back to last night's signing... This is a project we have been waiting for!  A project we have poured so much time and energy in.  We committed to developing this project, near the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, almost 8 months ago!

Land development takes time.  So much time.  Before you dig, there is all the preliminary work.  Digging infiltration pits to test the soil, architectural design & structural engineering, determining water availability, surveys and much more.  Followed by multiple reviews from the city before issuing permits, and things are taking what feels twice as long since #covid hit.  You don't just get to buy a piece of land and go straight to the digging.  

We have been patiently and at times impatiently waiting this past year, as we’ve worked on the development of this project.  This first year of business has been nothing short of a whirlwind since covid hit.  Regardless of the pandemic, we have encountered many trials and tribulations, and it finally feels like we are fully launching into the building side of BriKat Homes in the 2021 year!

In the New Year we will begin demolition and then we will be on the final stretch to building permits.

Stay tuned to find out what's coming next!            

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